
Info-link: U.S. Tow Boat Market
Tow Boats are fiberglass inboard boats between 17’ and 25’ used primarily for tow sports, including skiing, wake boarding and wake surfing. The tow boat category has been growing consistently over the last ten or so years, driven in part by the introduction and increasing popularity of wake boarding and wake surfing.
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Info-link: U.S. Small Cruiser Market Snapshot
Small Cruisers are fiberglass, inboard, outboard and stern drive, boats that are between 22’ and 26’ in length. They typically have at least some creature comforts or amenities. They are common in both salt and freshwater environments and are usually used for general recreation and relaxation.
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Info-link: U.S. Powerboat Market Snapshot
US Powerboat Market includes all recreational powerboats (including PWCs) registered in the US as of year-end 2019. Not included are sailboats and self-propelled craft such as canoes and kayaks.
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Jack Ellis
Jack Ellis is Managing Director of Info-Link, a Miami, FL-based firm he founded in 1995 to provide market intelligence to clients in the recreational boating industry.
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Info-link: U.S. Yacht Market Snapshot
Yachts are fiberglass stern drive, inboard, and more recently outboard powered boats 33’ and larger in length. They offer extensive amenities and comfortable living accommodations for extended cruising. They are found in both salt and larger freshwater environments. This segment includes trawler style boats but does not include houseboats or offshore fishing boats.
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