Grant Headifen

Global Director of Education, NauticEd

CELL: 512.696.1070


Grant Headifen is the Global Director of Education for NauticEd, a state-of-the-art sailing education organization featuring an e-learning theory curriculum for sailing knowledge and a practical on-the-water skills training program through a global network of instructors. To date, NauticEd has sold more than 210,000 student training courses to subscribers from 123 countries.

Mr. Headifen was the co-founder of SailTime, a global fractional ownership program, that was the first to blend technology innovation with sailing operation and boat ownership in the early 2000’s. Through this experience dealing with sailors of all skill levels, he recognized a compelling need for streamlining competency and instruction.

Upon the successful sale of SailTime, Mr. Headifen focused his experience, energy and passion to build an online sailing educational platform –  NauticEd – which is now recognized by the U.S. Coast Guard and NASBLA as the only sailing education body to meet the American National Standards. 

Since the launch of this world-class organization in 2008 with a mission to create safer, more competent sailors, Mr. Headifen has collaborated with leading educators, e-learning technologists, and forward-thinking sailing schools and instructors to build a comprehensive curriculum which now exceeds more than 20 online courses and five ranks of on-the-water practical certificates, all training to the highest international standards. 

NauticEd students enjoy access to a hybrid mix of theoretical and interactive multimedia courses combined with on-the-water training via a growing network of American National Standard accredited instructors. Headifen is adamant that competency is gained through a combination of theory knowledge, practical skills, and time-proven experience. NauticEd’s technology quantifies all three into an automatically built sailing resume leading to an international accepted sailing license held and viewed 24/7 in the cloud.

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