WASHINGTON – The U.S. Coast Guard today announced the appointment of twenty individuals to serve as members of the National Boating Safety Advisory Committee (NBSAC).
The NBSAC was established on December 4, 2018, by § 601 of the Frank LoBiondo Coast Guard Authorization Act of 2018, Pub. L. No. 115-282, 132 Stat. 4192 and amended by § 8331 of the Elijah E. Cummings Coast Guard Authorization Act of 2020, Pub. L. No. 116-283. That authority is codified in 46 U.S.C. § 15105.

The NBSAC members are selected from disciplines within the following fields of expertise: State Boating Safety Programs, Recreational Vessel and Associated Equipment Manufacturers; and National Recreational Boating Organizations and the General Public. The new NBSAC members serve three-year terms on the Committee and provide advice and recommendations on matters relating to recreational boating safety to the Secretary of the U.S. Department of Homeland Security through the Coast Guard Commandant and the Assistant Commandant for Prevention Policy.
Membership is divided evenly among three membership categories in NBSAC:
- Seven representatives of State officials responsible for State boating safety programs
- Seven representatives of recreational vessel and associated equipment manufacturers
- Seven representatives of national recreational boating organizations and from the general public, and of the seven, at least five shall be representatives of national recreational boating organizations
Each member holds office for a term up to three years.
For more information about NBSAC, visit this webpage.Â
The new members are:
Name | Organizational Affiliation |
State Officials Responsible for State Boating Safety Programs | |
Lt. Mark A. Brown | State of Oklahoma |
Capt. Timothy C. Dunleavy | State of New Hampshire |
Mr. Christopher Fallon | State of New York |
Mr. Thomas E. Guess | Commonwealth of Virginia |
Asst. Commander Cody Jones | State of Texas |
Conservation Officer Specialist Joseph Keeton | State of South Dakota |
Capt. Gary Klein | State of Florida |
Recreational Vessel And Associated Equipment Manufacturers | |
Mr. Peter A. Chisholm | Mercury Marine |
Mr. Ralph E. Hoskins | Regal Boats |
Mr. David C. Marlow | Brunswick Corporation |
Ms. Christina M. Paul, Esq. | K&L Gates, LLP |
Dr. Wendy Sanders | Explico Engineering |
Mr. David Slikkers | S2 Yachts |
National Recreational Boating Organizations & General Public | |
Mr. John S. Adey IV | American Boat and Yacht Council (ABYC) |
Mr. Chris Edmonston | BOATUS Foundation for Boating Safety and Clean Water |
Mr. John M. Johnson | National Association of State Boating Law Administrators (NASBLA) |
Ms. Caroline A. Mantel | Boat History Report |
Ms. Peg B. Phillips | National Safe Boating Council (NSBC) |
Dr. Robin Pope | American Canoe Association (ACA) |
Ms. Wanda Kenton Smith | Kenton Smith Marketing |